The Tenacious Mama

Let me say straight up that this isn’t for the faint hearted! There are plenty of ‘lovely’ Christian blogs for women out there...but this is for the supernaturally savvy, spiritually meat-eating, ball-busting, passionate and determined, ‘whatever it takes’ kind of woman! This is for those of us who are content but not satisfied - who hunger and thirst for so much more. More of God, more of His presence, more intimacy, more revelation, more power, more authority, more favour, more fruitfulness, more oil on our spiritual journey and in our everyday life. It’s for those of us who want more of life - who are desperate to make a mark on this world and leave an impact for His Kingdom - living life to the John 10:10 full, walking in our God-given scrolls, accomplishing every assignment He has written our name on, faithfully stewarding what He has entrusted into our hands, advancing and extending His Kingdom in our everyday lives, being used as a tool whilst knowing Him so intimately that he calls us His friend.

THIS is the TENACIOUS Mama!A few things you should know before you peruse the entries in this blog or subscribe to my ongoing rambles. I believe in the power of the living God at work in our lives, according to our faith. I believe in a loving, good, faithful Father God. I believe in the victory and authority of Jesus Christ from which we live, and I believe in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit who is in us, around us and who overflows from us and through us. I believe that if we are truly followers of this amazing, real and all-powerful God, then there will be fruit in our lives - evidence to show for it. We will have peace in the midst of tribulation and turmoil. We will have hope in the midst of pain and suffering. We will have faith in the midst of fear and impossibilities. We will know our identity in Him amidst a world focused on self. We will walk in love and righteousness, mercy and justice, grace and governance. We will walk led by the Spirit. Signs and wonders will follow us if and as we speak the true gospel. Are we there yet? I know I’m not! But I certainly know that I’m well on my way, and every day brings a new depth if I step up to the mark in obedience and take hold of all that God has given me in that moment.

I believe that when we are truly walking in the power of God that the supernatural will be natural in our lives! What we normally ‘strive’ and ‘try’ for will more with and ease and an oil as we release the burden and stop doing it in our own strength and allow the Holy Spirit to do it through us. We will be transformed from the inside out - overflowing in peace, hope, joy, faith, love - that the everyday tasks in life will be completed with joy and ease because we are achieving it through the oil and anointing of God, not in our own strength. I believe that when we are living in and from the presence of God, as we live from our abiding place, our secure Psalm 91:1 stronghold, that He will lead us and guids us. I believe we hear from God and I believe that it isn’t difficult to hear from God, our greater, author of life and Father. I believe He speaks to us powerfully in numerous ways, if we dare to look and listen. This isn’t a platform to discuss theological is a place for me to share with you the Kingdom secrets and revelation that He has whispered to my spirit and soul through His Word, Spirit, heart, leading, heart, dreams, gifts and so much more.

If you don’t believe in that, then please find another blog to read. If you do believe in this, and live like this, then this blog is for you! The Tenacious Mama is the everyday woman, wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, who is desperate to live this life to the absolute max as a passionate and on-fire disciple of the living God. Growing daily in maturity as He washes us with His Word, preparing us for His return when He is coming back for a pure and spotless Bride.

We are called to be world changers and God has given each of us a purpose and destiny that needs to be fulfilled in this life. This begins in our own little world that consists firstly of ourselves, then our home, then in an overflowing ripple effect to our family, neighbours, friends, community, city, nations and to the ends of the earth. The aim of this is to share with you how God has taught me and encouraged me as a woman, as a wife, as a mother - for me to pass on the sometimes simple and sometimes profound Kingdom keys and secrets that he has revealed to me in my own experience as His daughter, friend, woman, wife and mother and as I grow in intimacy with Him and develop in my spiritual journey. The aim of all that I share with you is to encourage, strengthen, empower, support, inspire and motivate you to live a real life as a real woman, wife, mother with the power of a real God who is alive and at work in our lives.


'This' Life