'This' Life
What is this life that I ramble on about? It’s the life of a seemingly, everyday, regular woman - wife, mother, friend, daughter. Yet she is really so much more...living with the power of the living God injected into her and overflowing from her. She lives the life of abundance that Jesus gained for us; the success and prosperity in all areas that the Holy Spirit infuses. This life is the life of abundance that Jesus has offered us. It's the life that others look at and say “How does she do it?” Guess what girls...we can have our cake and eat it too! But not by striving and trying, not by putting ridiculous pressures on ourselves, not by trying to keep up with the seemingly ‘perfect’ mom’s we see on Facebook and Pinterest.I’m talking about real life, down to earth, everyday women - we have kids trying to test the boundaries (and our patience!), little lives who we are supposed to be moulding and shaping, we have hard-working husbands who deserve a decent meal at the end of the day, we have bills to pay and budgets to meet, we have emotional strains from lifes circumstances, we have relationships that need ongoing input and fostering, we have so much going on and we are just like every other woman, wife and mom in that sense, except...we have something else. We have a secret. A key. We possess the answer to every problem, situation, circumstance, burden that exists...we know the God of the universe! We are friends with Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world! We have the power of the Holy Spirit at work within us! We have every spiritual resource from heaven available to us! We aren’t doing this in our own strength like the rest of the world who are striving and trying - we have someone else to do it all for us. Through us. In his strength.We are just everyday women trying to get through life, yet we are so much more than that. We aren’t ‘super moms’ we are supernatural moms! We have learnt to relinquish our control (oh come on, how incredibly difficult is that! And a continual daily struggle), we have waved our little white flag in surrender (possibly even out of sheer exhaustion of trying to do it all ourselves) and have put our hand up and said “OK, I can’t do this anymore! I can’t do this on my own. I need HELP. And no, I’m not talking about a housekeeper, a nanny, a chauffeur, a cook, a personal shopper...I need HELP!” So we have handed control over to someone else. And that someone else just happens to know how to do this life best. In fact, he designed and created it in the first place, he certainly knows how it can be lived to it’s potential.We are women who are surrendered to God. Not just wishy-washy, luke-warm people who call themselves ‘Christians,’ but spiritually mature, deep, serious Kingdom-focused, purpose-driven, eternity-minded, Word-declaring, spiritual meat-eaters, miracle-workers, healing-believers, faithful, bold, passionate women of God. And we just happen to have some little people given into our care who need to be shaped, moulded, directed and built up into the same thing (and then some!).Welcome to this life. The life that God has called you to. The life that makes an impact. The life that overflows in passion, peace, joy, faith, love to all around you. The life that has so much oil, anointing and favor upon it that your friends turn to you and ask ‘How do you do it? What is your secret? Where do you get your strength and energy from? It’s out of this world!’ Yes, yes it is.This is the life that is lived in connection with God - a portal from heaven to earth, flowing down continually every resource needed for every situation. And this is my blog. About this life...and how to get it, keep it, live it, overflow with it and give it away. It’s my journey as I live it and you will be hearing about it with me as I traverse the daily tasks and menial activities that build together to create the big exciting picture. Am I blogging because I’ve got ‘advice’ to give? Absolutely not. I have no idea what I’m doing! I’m learning day by day and I just happen to want to share my learning curves and revelations with you in case you may just be experiencing the exact same thing. Am I blogging because I think I have it all together? Heck NO! Am I blogging because I think I have the perfect recipe for parenting and motherhood? Ummm, pass me that glass of wine thanks! I’m just another mom who is facing the same thing you are and I happen to be placing myself on the line as I open up and share my personal experiences and revelations as you journey with me.My words don’t come from pious religiosity that attempts to put an impossible burden on the shoulders of those who actually just need it taken off. My words come from personal experiences and the whispers from heaven that have proven to work and develop fruit in my life. I therefore believe it is my responsibility to pass on what God has given me, to overflow in what he has entrusted to me to steward, so that others can have the same breakthroughs and success that I have experienced. And, of course, to live this life with me - walking along side-by-side on this exciting journey together!